
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yes - You Can Become A Millionaire

Yes, you can become a millionaire. You have had an idea, a desire to be financially free, and have heard many people laugh at your plans, but you know you can achieve it, because others have achieved financial freedom, and in some way you know you can.

You'll never get rich working for someone else - a rich Paul Getty once said. I have to agree; even though there are many jobs that provide incomes over $100K they don't satisfy our desire. I have seen many people who have asked for assistance with becoming a millionaire. Mostly I find is that the people never look really into why they want to become a millionaire. This makes people to make the symbol of money as a king or God.

When you think of becoming a millionaire? If I said you can become a millionaire by working 20 hours a day for 50 years, what would be your response? I guess now it boils down to freedom. Being free to do as you please, and when you want. Well to achieve this requires something else, not even being a CEO of a multinational corporation or being a top exec.

You are a vehicle, and as a vehicle, you must be present. This means that you want money, you will have to put in the physical action. You will have to do the work to make the money. So, you now need a vehicle, so many people start a business; only to find that they still have to still drive the vehicle. There is nothing wrong with driving our own vehicles, but it is so time consuming, and becomes a life sentence!

There is public transport, but that doesn't give us much freedom, it's like a job. I like cab; they take you where you want to go, leaving you free! Work is required to get a cab to take you anywhere; however, with work we can create a vehicle that takes us places. Most business people work longer hours for less pay than they would be getting, if they where working for someone else.

Becoming a millionaire is an irrelevant topic for many reasons, which seems a bit bad considering that we are talking about becoming a millionaire! You are already a millionaire. The average person who progresses at the average rate, will have gone through well over a million dollars throughout there lifetimes (in US, UK, etc). Congratulations!

Now, you can consider what you really want? Why do you want to become a millionaire? Can you paint me a picture of you being a millionaire? What would you do differently? Keys are available to you when you know what you want, you can open doors when you know where you want to get to, and who you want to become.

You can take this information, and start implementing it today. You can answer questions, and find that you can live the answers today. When you have a vision, you can start on objects in the picture, until you find, you are living your own picture, your own Picasso.

Before we close this topic, you need to realize the biggest keys for you to accomplish all you seek. These 2 keys are fuels which allow you to continue, and when you understand them, you will not seek gimmicks or fads which promise to make you a millionaire, you will take action and persist to achieve what you want to achieve to live a life of bliss.

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find there own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality!

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